
50 Years Anniversary

50 Years Anniversary

To all who wish to know all about the Golden Jubilee, there is now the 50th anniversary website available at This website which has been named Golden Jubilee Footprint, show cases of all Golden Jubilee related issues and activities. The Focolare Movement...

Farewell to Pia Fatica

Farewell to Pia Fatica

Saturday, September 12, 2015 Untiring witness to the Gospel in Africa, she has left us at the age of 86, all spent with love for the People of Bangwa (South Cameroon) after having contributed to saving it from extinction. Monday, 31 August. At this time it is not easy...

Prayer Intention Calender 2017

Prayer Intention Calender 2017

Let your loved ones be remembered on their special day! Have theirnames printed on 2017 Calendar! Please see flyer above for information.