Gen 2
“Youth of the world, unite!”
This was the appeal Chiara Lubich made in 1967, addressing the young adults and children who were part of the Movement at that time; she invited them to “Get together the biggest number possible of youth around the world and begin a large scale revolution with the cry ‘Let’s unite!’. She clarified that this was to be “A revolution of love”, and its goal was to fulfil Jesus’ prayer: “That all may be one”. From the response of thousands of young people throughout the world to this invitation the Gen Movement was born, the “new generation” of the Focolare Movement.
In 1968 its identity was made clearer through a symbolic gesture: the Gen were presented with a statuette which showed them handing on a flag from the first to the second generation, on this model was the inscription: “That all may be one” (jn 17,21) and “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me” (Mt 27,46). The first quote set out the programme for the movement and the second gave the secret that would make it happen.
The Gen 2 are scattered throughout the world and are from every culture, social strata, religion or none: they represent the second generation of the Focolare Movement and share its charism completely.
They have discovered that living the Gospel demands a real revolution in their lives, a revolution which is able to change the world: they are committed to living this revolution with courage and determination. They know that their strength and perseverance come from the presence of Jesus, who promised “Where two or three are united in my name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Mt 18,20).
They meet occasionally in little groups known as “Gen 2 units”, where they try and keep that presence of Christ alive among them; whilst together they share the experiences they have had when trying to live the Word of God. They give each other help and encouragement.
The Gen 2 are the main animators for Youth for a United World movement which is active in society promoting universal brotherhood.