Center of Focolare Movement of Fontem
It’s our little city, literally the city of Mary in the heart of Western Africa. A place of encounter and dialogue. We can find these little cities all over the world.
It offers accommodation for groups and individuals and the possibility for meetings.
The translation for Mafua Ndem is Queen sent by God, the title that was given by the Fon (King) of Fontem to Chiara Lubich when she came back for her third visit in May 2000. She addressed to the people, the majority of whom are not Christians: “Everyone is completely free to follow our faiths” but, she adds with a great conviction, “ you are not free not to love, because religions, as a rule, require that” Chiara proposed “ a strong and binding pact of mutual love”, to all those present.
„That all may be one“ (John 17, 21) became the particular motto for this little city.
From Fontem the Focolare spread in almost all the countries of the continent.