Mariapollis Center
The Mariapolis Centre is a home for all the members of the Focolare Movement or (Work of Mary.) Just as in other Mariapolis Centres found in many parts of the world, it is a structure set up to enhance and facilitate the spiritual, cultural and moral formation of all its members of all ages (adults youth, and children). It opens its doors also to non members or groups of people who wish to have their retreats, quite moments of rest or holidays, graduation and wedding ceremony etc.
After the coming of Chiara Lubich and the focolarini (the lay consecrated members of the focolare movement) to Fontem in the year 1966, the Bangwa people felt the love of God and started to learn how to love Him in return. So with time need was felt to set up a place where meetings, talks, and moments of communion could be held in order to learn more how to love God and our neighbour.
So in the year 1989 the Mariapolis Centre Mafua Ndem Chiara was set up with a sleeping capacity of 80 beds, a hall with about 500 seats, a refectory and a kitchen to satisfy the needs of each group.
In the centre activities such as farming is done to provide food for members during a meeting or retreat. As dedicated to Our Lady of the White Light the centre is meant to be able to welcome, accommodate and nourish people from every part of the continent irrespective of the colour, culture, or religious backgrounds who came here to experience this life of the Gospel live to the full.