The Focolare Movement – with members of all ages, present in the 5 continents, in 194 nations, at every level of society, in religious and lay environments, often in challenging situations – together with the whole Church has been involved in evangelization with new urgency and ardour.
Convinced of the importance of being evangelized so as to be able to evangelize, it pays attention to the formation of its members so they can be light, leaven and salt. ‘Environmental cells’, made up of two or more people in the same place, bring the living presence of the ‘Risen One’ everywhere, into families, factories, places of public administration, hospitals, schools and universities. At the local level, it builds relationships of fraternity inspired by the Gospel through ‘local communities’ within suburbs and towns.
Following its charism which is the unity Jesus prayed for the night before he died (Jn 17:21), the Movement prefers to give a communitarian witness, especially through international days or meetings, the annual gatherings called ‘Mariapolis’ and the Movement’s little towns where the law governing all is Jesus’ new commandment of love for one another. The Focolare also uses the press, such as the magazine and publishing house Città Nuova, and the new media and social networks.
It gives special emphasis to dialogue: Christian ecumenism, among believers of different religions, with those who do not have any specific religious conviction and with contemporary culture where the Movement offers its contribution to illuminating society’s various cultural spheres with a Christian light.
(Maria Voce’s speech at the Synod of Bishops on 17 October 2012)